Friday, December 13, 2019

4th Mentor Meeting

I met up with my mentor in the beginning of December and spoke about how to be prepared for an interview. I was curious on how her interview went before she had gotten hired for her job. I was interested in how her interview went before she got hired as a teacher. I was also curious about the interview and how it played out. She told me to always try to stand out from the others in a good way so that they remember you. She also told me that you should always dress nicely, keep good eye contact, and listen well to the interviewer. I was also told to play up my strengths and always be a team player who can try to do whatever is needed. She also told me that her interview was with a group of people interviewing her. In the meeting I learned about how to present myself in a interview.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

3rd Mentor Meeting

I met up with my mentor in the beginning of November and spoke about how to write a resume for a job. I wondered if she had any helpful tips about how to write a resume for me. I also interested in how her resume first looked when she went to get a job teaching. I was also wondering if any of the process had to be done in a special way or online. She told me that when she first had to make a resume it was more like a portfolio than a resume with all the things she had in it. She also had to apply online for a position and then when the date of the interview came up she brought her portfolio for them to see. She also told me to make sure to add things that make you stand out from the others as well as having good references in and out of work. In the meeting I learned that having a good resume helps you greatly to get the job.